List of DeSo Identity Window API endpoints
This section describes all endpoints for the Window API.
Endpoints are called with URL parameters, some of which are optional. After the user completes the flow within the window, Identity will send a postMessage
This endpoint is used to handle user login or account creation.
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
accessLevelRequest (optional) | int | |
testnet (optional) | bool | Whether we're on testnet or mainnet. Default is |
webview (optional) | bool | Whether we're using webview. Default is |
jumio (optional) | bool | Whether to show "get free deso" during signup. Default is |
referralCode (optional) | string | |
hideGoogle (optional) | bool | Hide Google login from the Identity UI. Default is |
can take values from {0, 2, 3, 4}. You should only ask for the lowest permission that fits the requirements of your application.
Here's what each level means:
For a log in or sign up action, the selected publicKey
will be included in publicKeyAdded
When a user signs up the signedUp
field will be set to true
, otherwise it'll be false
for log in.
An application should store the current publicKeyAdded
and users
objects in its local storage.
You should always overwrite the existing, saved users.
Check out the #messages section for more information.
When an application wants to sign a transaction or decrypt a message, the accessLevel
, accessLevelHmac
, and encryptedSeedHex
values will be required.
Logout is used to reset the accessLevel
of an individual user. You should handle user logout by calling this endpoint.
When you logout a user, you should delete the corresponding userCredentials
entry form the local storage/database.
Consult the #messages section for more information.
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
publicKey | string | Public key of the user that is logging out |
testnet (optional) | bool | Whether we're on testnet or mainnet. Default is |
webview (optional) | bool | Whether we're using webview. Default is |
The approve endpoint is used for transaction signing.
If you're unsure what this means, make sure to check out the Transactions section to see how transactions work in the DeSo blockchain.
Usually, the approve endpoint is called when you want to sign a transaction that's outside the scope of the accessLevel
you have requested during #log-in.
For example, if you requested accessLevel=3
and want to sign a BasicTransfer
transaction (constructed via api/v0/send-deso
Backend API), you would need to use the approve endpoint because BasicTransfer
requires accessLevel=4
If the transaction you want to sign is within the scope of the accessLevel
you have, you should sign it through the Identity: iFrame API.
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
tx | string | Transaction hex of the transaction to sign |
testnet (optional) | bool | Whether we're on testnet or mainnet. Default is |
webview (optional) | bool | Whether we're using webview. Default is |
The derive endpoint is used to generate a derived key for a user.
When you hold a derived key, you can sign transactions for a user without having to interact with the DeSo Identity Service.
Derived keys are intended to be used primarily in mobile applications and with #callbacks.
If no callback is specified, you will receive the derived key through #messages.
After the Transaction Spending Limits fork height hits, derived keys will require authorization of transaction spending limits, which provides granular permissions on transaction type and even more granular permissions on NFTs, Creator Coins, and DAO Coins.
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
callback (optional) | string | |
testnet (optional) | bool | Whether we're on testnet or mainnet. Default is |
webview (optional) | bool | Whether we're using webview. Default is |
TransactionSpendingLimit | string | |
PublicKey | String | Public key (in base 58) for which you want to generate a derived key (Optional) |
DerivedPublicKey | String | Derived key (in base 58) that you want to use instead of allowing identity to generate a new one (Optional) |
Assuming, we've passed callback=auth://derive
, the payload will be sent as a GET request like this:
This endpoint is intended to be used in combination with derived keys.
It allows you to get message encryption/decryption keys, or shared secrets, so that you can read messages without querying Identity (as is traditionally done via Identity: iFrame API).
The get-shared-secrets
endpoint requires a callback as well as other URL parameters that are used to verify ownership of the derived key.
Another required URL parameter is messagePublicKeys
which are the public keys of messaging parties in CSV format for which we want to fetch shared secrets.
The get-shared-secrets
endpoint allows to fetch multiple shared secrets at once.
For example, if the owner of the derived key was public key A
, and we wanted to read conversations between parties B
(or more) we would set ownerPublicKey=A
and messagePublicKeys=B,C,D
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
callback | string | |
ownerPublicKey | string | Master public key that was used to get the derived key |
derivedPublicKey | string | Derived public key |
JWT | string | JWT signed by the derived key, it's passed as |
messagePublicKeys | strings, CSV format | Public keys of users for which we want to fetch shared secrets. |
testnet (optional) | bool | Whether we're on testnet or mainnet. Default is |
The response is a list of shared secrets in CSV format corresponding to messagePublicKeys
. The payload will always be sent as a #callbacks.
The get-free-deso
endpoint allows for launching the Jumio KYC flow, and if completed successfully, it will end up sending your users free starter DeSo or their referral bonus.
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
public_key | string | Public key of the user to be KYC verified |
referralCode (optional) | string | Referral code to be used in Jumio |
testnet (optional) | bool | Whether we're on testnet or mainnet. Default is |
The signedUp
boolean variable determines if the user has logged in or signed up, and jumioSuccess
indicates if the Jumio KYC was successful.
The verify-phone-number
endpoint will give the user some starter DeSo after a successful phone verification.
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
public_key | string | Public key of the user to be phone verified |
testnet (optional) | bool | Whether we're on testnet or mainnet. Default is |
The signedUp
boolean variable determines if the user has logged in or signed up, and phoneNumberSuccess
indicates if the phone verification was successful.
Last updated