3️⃣Data: API
Every public key on the DeSo blockchain can have a profile that describes who they are.
The API returns profiles in the form of an object referred to as a ProfileEntryResponse.
Below is an example of a ProfileEntryResponse with explanations about each attributes.
"PublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2", // Public key
"Username": "test", // Username of the public key
"Description": "this is an example description", // Description displayed on the user's profile
"IsHidden": false, // Deprecated - ignore.
"IsReserved": false, // If IsReserved is true, this is a reserved prole that can be claimed by tweeting out a link.
"IsVerified": false, // If IsVerified is true, this profile is verified on the node on which you are querying and will appear with a blue checkmark
"Comments": null, // Comments that have been made by this user. This is rarely populated.
"Posts": null, // Posts that have been made by this user.
"CoinEntry": {
"CreatorBasisPoints": 10000, // Founder reward percentage in basis points. e.g. 10%. User will take 10% of all creator coin purchases.
"DeSoLockedNanos": 110694117, // Total amount of DeSo locked in this profile's creator coin. When ranking by coin price, always use DeSoLockedNanos and not CoinPriceDeSoNanos.
"NumberOfHolders": 2, // Number of users who hold this creator coin.
"CoinsInCirculationNanos": 2203171427, // Total number of creator coin nanos in circulation.
"CoinWatermarkNanos": 2203171427, // CoinWatermarkNanos is the highest amount of nanos that have ever been locked in this profile at a single point in time.
"DeSoLockedNanos": 110694117 // Deprecated - use DeSoLockedNanos
"DAOCoinEntry": {
"NumberOfHolders": 1823837, // Number of public keys holding this DAO coin.
"CoinsInCirculationNanos": "0x3B9ACA00", // The current total supply of this creator's DAO coins represented as a hex string.
"MintingDisabled": false, // If true, the supply of this DAO coin is fixed and new coins cannot be minted.
TransferRestrictionStatus: "unrestricted", // The current transfer restriction status of this creator's DAO coin. Unrestricted means you can transfer to anybody, profile_owner_only means you can only transfer TO or FROM this profile's public key, dao_members_only means you can only transfer to user's who already hold this DAO coin, and permanently_unrestricted means there are no restrictions and this status will never be updated again.
"CoinPriceDeSoNanos": 150729253, // CoinPriceDeSoNanos is the price of this creator's coin in nanos.
"CoinPriceDeSoNanos": 150729253, // Deprecated - use CoinPriceDeSoNanos
"UsersThatHODL": [{ // Array of all hodlers of this creator's coin in the form of BalanceEntryResponses (described below). This is not always included.
"HODLerPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // Public key of user who is holding this creator's coin.
"CreatorPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2", // Public Key of the creator
"HasPurchased": false, // If true, this user has purchased some amount of creator coins of this creator. If false, they have received these creator coins in a transfer.
"BalanceNanos": 1000000000, // How many nanos of this creator's coin does the HODLer own.
"NetBalanceInMempool": 0, // How many nanos of this creator's coin does this HODLer own that are still waiting to be mined into a block.
"ProfileEntryResponse": <ProfileEntryResponse>, // ProfileEntryResponse of the user that is HODLing
"IsFeaturedTutorialWellKnownCreator": false,
"IsFeaturedTutorialUpAndComingCreator": false,
"DESOBalanceNanos": 10000000, // User's balance of DESO in nanos.
Objects of this type will be denoted as <ProfileEntryResponse>
in this documentation.
For reference, ProfileEntryResponse
is defined in the backend repo here.
Posts are the main way creators communicate with the public on DeSo.
Below is an example of a PostEntryResponse
- the object that represents a post and all it's attributes:
"PostHashHex": "67f80ea6908b93cca921a2a49ef268ad373756b5ba45aff4e06bf7a31f7f20c0", // Hex of the Post Hash. Used as the unique identifier of this post.
"PosterPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2", // Public key of the user who made this post.
"ParentStakeID": "", // Hex of the Parent Post Hash. If populated, this post is a comment on the parent.
"Body": "testesteart", // Text body of the post.
"ImageURLs": ["https://images.deso.org/86c5d55150042af2f56b5ed718f5194a42cb072a9f26f5aee9e3afdc7e609c48.gif"], // URLs to images to include in the post
"VideoURLs": [], // URLs to videos to include in the post
"RepostedPostEntryResponse": <PostEntryResponse>, // RepostedPostEntryResponse is another post that this post is reposting (similar to retweeting).
"CreatorBasisPoints": 1000, // Deprecated
"StakeMultipleBasisPoints": 12500, // Deprecated
"TimestampNanos": 1637776136858394400, // Timestamp of the post
"IsHidden": false, // If true, post is filtered out everywhere.
"ConfirmationBlockHeight": 180, // Block height at which this post was confirmed.
"InMempool": false, // If true, this post is still in the mempool and has not been confirmed in a block yet.
"ProfileEntryResponse": <ProfileEntryResponse>, // This is the profile of the user who created this post.
"Comments": [<PostEntryResponse>, <PostEntryResponse>], // Array of comments. These PostEntryResponses reference this post as their parent.
"LikeCount": 123, // Number of likes on this post.
"DiamondCount": 1092, // Number of diamonds on this post.
"PostEntryReaderState": {
"LikedByReader": false, // True if the reader has liked this post, otherwise false.
"DiamondLevelBestowed": 2, // Number of diamonds the reader has given this post.
"RepostedByReader": false, // True if the reader has reposted this post, otherwise false.
"RepostPostHashHex": "" // Hex of the Post Hash in which the user has reposted this post.
"InGlobalFeed": false, // If true, this post is included in the global feed.
"InHotFeed": false, // If true, this post is in the hot feed.
"IsPinned": false, // If true, this post is pinned to the top of the feeds.
"PostExtraData": { // PostExtraData can contain any keys and string values to add metadata to a post.
"Node": "1",
"EmbedVideoURL": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-pqNzHyZbM"
"CommentCount": 2, // Number of comments on this post.
"RepostCount": 78, // Number of times this post has been reposted.
"QuoteRepostCount": 10, // Number of times this post has been quote reposted.
"ParentPosts": [<PostEntryResponse>, <PostEntryResponse>], // Array of PostEntryResponses that represent the parents of this post.
"IsNFT": true, // If true, this post has been minted as an NFT. False otherwise.
"NumNFTCopies": 100, // Number of serial numbers that were minted.
"NumNFTCopiesForSale": 0, // Number of serial numbers that are currently for sale.
"NumNFTCopiesBurned": 0, // Number of serial numbers that have been burned.
"HasUnlockable": false, // If true, when this post is sold as an NFT, the owner will be required to provide some unlockable content.
"NFTRoyaltyToCreatorBasisPoints": 500, // Percentage in basis points of the royalty that goes to this post's creator when this NFT is sold.
"NFTRoyaltyToCoinBasisPoints": 1000, // Percentage in basis points of the royalty that is added to the DeSo locked in this post's creator's coin when this NFT is sold.
"AdditionalDESORoyaltiesMap": { // Map with public key representing users who receive a royalty paid in DESO upon each sale and values are the royalty percentage defined in basis points
"tBCKYYbGp3iLwhienWLzbLJM1Yi4WKmWRwNNCchhDLtniDqiHPMGK1": 100, // This user would receive 1% of all future sales in DESO
"AdditionalCoinRoyaltiesMap": { // Map with public key representing users who receive a royalty in the form of additional DESO locked in their creator coin and values are the royalty percentage defined in basis points.
"tBCKYYbGp3iLwhienWLzbLJM1Yi4WKmWRwNNCchhDLtniDqiHPMGK1": 200 // This user's creator coin would have 2% of all future sales added as DESO locked in their creator coin
"DiamondsFromSender": 0, // Number of diamonds this post received from a sender. Only populated in get-diamonded-posts
"HotnessScore": 0, // Hotness score is a measure of how engaging a post is. Posts with the highest hotness scores are featured in the Hot Feed.
"PostMultiplier": 0, // Multiplier applied to this post in the hot feed algorithm.
Objects of this type will be denoted as <PostEntryResponse>
in this documentation.
For reference, PostEntryResponse
is defined in the backend repo here.
are another common object you will encounter.
describe the amount of a specific creator coin or DAO coin that a user holds.
"HODLerPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // Public key of user who is holding this creator's coin or the DAO coin.
"CreatorPublicKeyBase58Check": "tBCKW665XZnvVZcCfcEmyeecSZGKAdaxwV2SH9UFab6PpSRikg4EJ2", // Public Key of the creator
"HasPurchased": false, // If true, this user has purchased some amount of creator coins of this creator. If false, they have received these creator coins in a transfer. This field is always false for DAO coins.
"BalanceNanos": 1000000000, // How many nanos of this creator's coin does the HODLer own. This field is used for creator coins as DAO coins can exceed the max uint64 value.
"BalanceNanosUint256": "0x3B9ACA00", // Balance Nanos as a hex string. This is used for DAO coins.
"NetBalanceInMempool": 0, // How many nanos of this creator's coin or DAO coin does this HODLer own that are still waiting to be mined into a block.
"ProfileEntryResponse": <ProfileEntryResponse>, // ProfileEntryResponse of the HODLer or creator depending upon the context in which the BalanceEntryResponse was retrieved
Objects of this type will be denoted as <BalanceEntryResponse>
in this documentation.
For reference, BalanceEntryResponse
is defined in the backend repo here.
summarize the current state of a single serial number (copy) of an NFT.
"OwnerPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the user who owns this serial number
"SerialNumber": 2, // serial number described by this NFTEntryResponse
"IsForSale": true, // If true, this serial number is for sale. If false, this serial number is not currently for sale.
"IsPending": false, // If true, this serial number was transferred to the owner and is pending an acceptance of the NFT transfer. If false, this serial number is not pending an acceptance.
"MinBidAmountNanos": 0, // Minimum bid amount in nanos allowed on this serial number.
"IsBuyNow": true, // If true, this serial number can be purchased at the price of BuyNowPriceNanos without requiring an accept nft bid transaction from the owner.
"BuyNowPriceNanos": 100000000000, // This is the price at which this serial number can be "bought now". A user can "Buy Now" by submitting a bid that matches the buy now price nanos.
"LastAcceptedBidAmountNanos": 10000000, // Bid amount in nanos representing the last price at which this serial number was sold.
"HighestBidAmountNanos": 1150000000, // Highest bid amount currently on this serial number.
"LowestBidAmountNanos": 97680, // Lowest bid amount currently on this serial number.
"LastOwnerPublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhkVFp84xfJZqN6jCBsdo6bPyuBoxakChg8DJmmvy2jMhZgBaWK", // Public key of the user who last owned this serial number. This is needed to decrypt Unlockable text.
"EncryptedUnlockableText": "someencryptedtext" // Unlockable content Text encrypted with a shared secret
"ExtraData": { // Extra data is an arbitrary key value object that add metadata to an NFT
"SomeKey": "SomeValue"
Objects of this type will be denoted as <NFTEntryResponse>
in this documentation.
For reference, NFTEntryResponse
is defined in the backend repo here.
provide a high-level overview of the current state of an NFT and all its serial numbers.
"ProfileEntryResponse": <ProfileEntryResponse>, // ProfileEntryResponse of the creator of the NFT
"PostEntryResponse": <PostEntryResponse>, // PostEntryResponse of the post that is an NFT
"HighestBidAmountNanos": 2000000000, // Highest bid amount currently on any serial number of this Post
"LowestBidAmountNanos": 0, // Lowest bid amount currently on any serial number of this Post
"HighestBuyNowPriceNanos": 2000000000, // Highest buy now price amount currently on any serial number of this Post
"LowestBuyNowPriceNanos": 0, // Lowest buy now price amount currently on any serial number of this Post
"NumCopiesForSale": 1, // Number of serial numbers currently for sale of this NFT post.
"NumCopiesBuyNow": 1, // Number of serial numbers currently for sale of this NFT post that have IsBuyNow = true.
"AvailableSerialNumbers": [15] // Array of integers representing the set of all serial numbers that are for sale of this NFT post.
Objects of this type will be denoted as <NFTCollectionResponse>
in this documentation.
For reference, NFTCollectionResponse
is defined in the backend repo here.
defines the permissions a derived key is authorized to perform on behalf of the owner key.
"GlobalDESOLimit": 10000000, // The cumulative amount of DESO the derived key is allow to spend on
// behalf of the owner public key
"TransactionCountLimitMap": { // Map of transaction type to the number of times this derived key is
// allowed to perform this operation on behalf of the owner public key
"BASIC_TRANSFER": 2, // 2 basic transfer transactions are authorized
"SUBMIT_POST": 4, // 4 submit post transactions are authorized
"CreatorCoinOperationLimitMap": { // Map with keys representing public keys of creators
// mapped to objects defining the number of times each
// creator coin operation can be performed. An empty string
// key means the specified operations are authorized on ANY
// creator coin.
"BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s": { // Derived key is authorized to perform the
// following operations on
// BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s's creator coin.
"any": 3, // Derived key can perform ANY creator coin operation 3 times on this creator coin.
// note: any operations are used after more specific operations are used up.
"buy": 2, // Derived key can perform a buy creator coin operation 2 times on this creator coin.
"sell": 1, // Derived key can perform a sell creator coin operation 1 time on this creator coin.
"transfer": 3, // Derived key can perform a transfer creator coin operation 3 times on this creator coin.
"DAOCoinOperationLimitMap": { // Map with keys representing public keys of DAO
// mapped to objects defining the number of times each
// DAO coin operation can be performed. An empty string
// key means the specified operations are authorized on ANY
// DAO coin.
"BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s": { // Derived key is authorized to perform the
// following operations on
// BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s's DAO coin.
"any": 2, // Derived key can perform ANY DAO coin operation 2 times on this DAO coin.
// note: any operations are used after more specific operations.
"mint": 3, // Derived key can perform a mint operation 3 times onn this DAO coin.
"burn": 1, // Derived key can perform a burn operation 1 time on this DAO coin.
"disable_minting": 1, // Derived key can perform a disable minting operation 1 time on this DAO coin.
"update_transfer_restriction_status": 2, // Derived key can perform an update_transfer_restriction_status operation 2 times on this DAO coin.
"transfer": 1, // Derived key can perform a transfer operation 1 time on this DAO coin.
"NFTOperationLimitMap": { // Map with keys representing NFT post hash hexes
// mapped to objects with keys representing serial numbers
// mapped to objects defining the number of times each
// NFT operation can be performed. An empty string
// key means the specified operations are authorized on ANY
// NFT. A serial number 0 means the specified operations
// are authorized on any serial number for an NFT.
"b1cf68f5eb829f8c6c42abe009f315ee921d46c91cc6bd3b9cab9dc4851addc1": {
0: { // Operations defined under serial number 0 can be performed on any serial number for this NFT.
// Note: serial number 0 operations are used after more specific serial number operations are used up.
"any": 1, // Derived key can perform any operation on any serial number 1 time.
1: {
"update": 1, // Derived key can perform an UPDATE_NFT transaction for this serial number.
"accept_nft_bid": 2, // Derived key can perform 2 ACCEPT_NFT_BID transactions for this serial number.
"nft_bid": 3, // Derived key can perform 3 NFT_BID transactions for this serial number.
"transfer": 1, // Derived key can perform 1 NFT_TRANSFER transaction for this serial number.
"burn": 1, // Derived key can perform 1 NFT_BURN transaction for this serial number.
"accept_nft_transfer": 2, // Derived key can perform 2 ACCEPT_NFT_TRANSFER transactions for this serial number.
Objects of this type will be denoted at <TransactionSpendingLimitResponse>
in this documentation.
For reference, TransactionSpendingLimitResponse
is defined in the backend repo here.
Last updated
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