DeSo Tokens Endpoints

Description of endpoints used for creating and on-chain trading of DeSo Tokens.

Gets All Open Orders on Order Book for a DeSo Token (DAO Coin) Market

POST /api/v0/get-dao-coin-limit-orders

There are two types of markets where DeSo Tokens can be traded on the on-chain order book exchange: 1) markets where a DeSo Token is traded for $DESO, and 2) markets where a DeSo Token is traded for another DeSo Token.

This endpoint returns all open orders given two coins that can be traded against each other. At least one of the two coins must be a DeSo Token.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Request Body

         "TransactorPublicKeyBase58Check":"tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // public key of the creator of this order
         "BuyingDAOCoinCreatorPublicKeyBase58Check":"tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // public key of the creator of a DAO coin
         "SellingDAOCoinCreatorPublicKeyBase58Check":"", // empty string represents $DESO
         "QuantityToFill":5.2, // Denominated in number of coins (not nanos) and can have fractional values
         "OrderID":"4671f48ec7a0da7d769219efdf1689ed19cb3527ae3c1a9669dd5539c9674426" // unique identifier for this order, also equivalent to the transaction hex hash that created the order

Gets All Open Limit Orders Created by a Transactor

POST /api/v0/get-transactor-dao-coin-limit-orders

This endpoint returns all open orders that were created by a given transactor on the DeSo Tokens on-chain order book exchange.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Request Body

         "TransactorPublicKeyBase58Check":"tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // public key of the creator of this order
         "BuyingDAOCoinCreatorPublicKeyBase58Check":"tBCKVERmG9nZpHTk2AVPqknWc1Mw9HHAnqrTpW1RnXpXMQ4PsQgnmV", // public key of the creator of a DAO coin
         "SellingDAOCoinCreatorPublicKeyBase58Check":"", // empty string represents $DESO
         "QuantityToFill":5.123457, // Denominated in number of coins (not nanos) and can have fractional values
         "OrderID":"4671f48ec7a0da7d769219efdf1689ed19cb3527ae3c1a9669dd5539c9674426" // unique identifier for this order, also equivalent to the transaction hex hash that created the order

Last updated