NFT Endpoints

Description of endpoints used to get data related to posts on the DeSo blockchain

Please make sure you've read Data: API so you are familiar with the following types referenced in this documentation:

Get NFTs For User

POST /api/v0/get-nfts-for-user

Get NFTs that a user owns, optionally filtering on for-sale status and pending (NFT transferred) status.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend: - Make request to Get NFTs For User - Use GetNFTsForUser to get NFTs to display in a gallery on a user's profile

Request Body




Public key for user who owns NFTs



Public key of the reader



- If true, only return NFTs that are for sale.

- If false, only return NFTs that are not for sale.

- If not provided, return NFTs regardless of for sale status



- If IsForSale is provided, this value is ignored.

- Otherwise, if true, only return NFTs that are pending acceptance (NFTs that have been transferred but not accepted).

- If false, only return NFTs that are not pending acceptance. If not provided, return NFTs regardless of pending status

  "NFTsMap": { // Map of Post Hash Hex to an object containing a PostEntryResponse AND an NFTEntryResponse.
    "4bd205ec36bb13e76620b48ffc601340562c3ad7fa61b5343f0d9edc6ff6e2f8": {
      "PostEntryResponse": <PostEntryesponse>, // PostEntryResponse of the post that is an NFT owned by UserPublicKeyBase58Check
      "NFTEntryResponses": [<NFTEntryResponse>, <NFTEntryResponse>]// NFTEntryResponses describe the serial numbers of this NFT. There may be multiple for a given post if a user owns multiple NFTs

Get NFT Bids For User

POST /api/v0/get-nft-bids-for-user

Get active bids for a user.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend: - Make request to Get NFT Bids For User - Use GetNFTBidsForUser to show a user their outstanding bids when they view their own profile

Request Body




Public key for user whose bids we want to find



Public key of the reader

  "NFTBidEntries": [
      "PublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of the user who submitted this bid
      "PostHashHex": "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290", // Hex of Post hash of the post that is an NFT.
      "SerialNumber": 85, // Serial number on which this bid was submitted.
      "BidAmountNanos": 1000000000, // Amount of DeSo bid (in nanos)
      "HighestBidAmountNanos": 1000000000, // Highest bid amount currently on this serial number
      "LowestBidAmountNanos": 0, // Lowest bid amount currently on this serial number
      "BidderBalanceNanos": 5000000000 // DeSo balance of the bidder
  "PostHashHexToPostEntryResponse": {
    "43b943880ff21f67b92941553233b9d0e6bcf7c56e9a533416873d4d0798d290": <PostEntryResponse>
  "PublicKeyBase58CheckToProfileEntryResponse": {
    "BC1YLgF9Tt85ADrL4QiyX6xSGwGrqFWnLr9b5Mt8hfdk54Tg1JJzi9e": <ProfileEntryResponse>

Get NFT Bids For NFT Post

POST /api/v0/get-nft-bids-for-nft-post

Get all bids for all serial numbers of a given NFT post.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend: - Make request to Get NFT Bids For NFT Post - Use GetNFTBidsForNFTPost to show all active bids on all serial numbers of an NFT collection

Request Body




Hex of Post hash for which we want to fetch bids



Public key of the reader

  "BidEntryResponses": [ // Array of BidEntryResponses which represents all the bids on all serial numbers of NFTs with the provided PostHashHex.
      "PublicKeyBase58Check": "BC1YLhtBTFXAsKZgoaoYNW8mWAJWdfQjycheAeYjaX46azVrnZfJ94s", // Public key of user who submitted bid
      "ProfileEntryResponse": <ProfileEntryResponse>,  // ProfileEntryResponse of user who submitted bid.
      "SerialNumber": 85, // Serial number on which this bid was submitted.
      "BidAmountNanos": 1000000000, // Amount of DeSo bid (in nanos).
      "BidderBalanceNanos": 5000000000 // DeSo balance of the bidder.
  "NFTEntryResponses": [<NFTEntryResponse>, <NFTEntryResponse>, ...],// NFT entry responses for each serial number. There will be one for each serial number.
  "PostEntryResponse": <PostEntryResponse> // PostEntryResponse of the post that is an NFT.

Get NFT Showcase

POST /api/v0/get-nft-showcase

Get summaries of all NFTs included in the NFT showcase.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usage in frontend: - Make request to Get NFT Showcase - Use GetNFTShowcase to fetch all the NFTs to display in the NFT showcase

Request Body




Public key of the reader

  "NFTCollections": [<NFTCollectionResponse>, <NFTCollectionResponse>,...]

Get Next NFT Showcase

POST /api/v0/get-next-nft-showcase

Get the time the next NFT showcase drop so it can be advertised to users

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend: - Make request to Get Next NFT Showcase - Use GetNextNFTShowcase to show users the time at which the next NFT showcase drops

  "NextNFTShowcaseTstamp": 109872497124 // Time the next NFT showcase will drop

Get NFT Collection Summary

POST /api/v0/get-nft-collection-summary

Get an NFTCollectionResponse that summarizes a single NFT post

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend: - Make request to Get NFT Collection Summary - Use GetNFTCollectionSummary to a summary of the current state of the NFT collection and each serial number

Request Body






Public key of the reader

  "NFTCollectionResponse": {
    "ProfileEntryResponse": <ProfileEntryResponse>, // ProfileEntryResponse of the creator of the NFT
    "PostEntryResponse": <PostEntryResponse>, // PostEntryResponse of the post that is an NFT
    "HighestBidAmountNanos": 2000000000, // Highest bid amount currently on any serial number of this Post
    "LowestBidAmountNanos": 0, // Lowest bid amount currently on any serial number of this Post
    "HighestBidAmountNanos": 35000000000, // Highest buy now price currently on any serial number of this Post
    "LowestBidAmountNanos": 0, // Lowest buy now price currently on any serial number of this Post
    "NumCopiesForSale": 1, // Number of serial numbers currently for sale of this NFT post.
    "NumCopiesBuyNow": 1, // Number of serial numbers currently for sale as "Buy Now" NFTs - this means a user can purchase the NFT at the BuyNowPriceNanos without requiring an accept NFT bid transaction from the owner.
    "AvailableSerialNumbers": [15] // Array of integers representing the set of all serial numbers that are for sale of this NFT post.
  SerialNumberToNFTEntryResponse: { // Map of serial number to NFT Entry Response
    1: <NFTEntryResponse>,
    2: <NFTEntryResponse>,

Get NFT Entries For Post Hash

POST /api/v0/get-nft-entries-for-nft-post

Gets an NFTEntryResponse for each serial number of this NFT post.

Endpoint implementation in backend.

Example usages in frontend: - Make request to Get NFT Entries for Post Hash

Request Body






Public key of the reader

  "NFTEntryResponses": [<NFTEntryResponse>, <NFTEntryResponse>, ...] // There will be one NFT Entry response for each serial number.

Last updated